Introduction to Mental Health Issues

A 1-day workshop which provides an overview of the Mental Health Act, the use of the DSM IV and explores general Mental Health Issues.

Introduction to Mental Health Issues

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1 day

Inclusive cost


Is this workshop for you?

A 1-day workshop which provides an overview of the Mental Health Act, the use of the DSM IV and explores general Mental Health Issues.

Workshop content

The Mental Health Act

  • Why it was created and who does it serve

Who’s Mental Health Issues?

  • Who and how are individuals affected?


  • The Range of Mental Disorders and how these are categorised.
  • Mental Disorders, Mental Disturbance and Mental Distress and how do you tell the difference?

How are Mental Health Issues and Disorders Managed and By Whom?

  • The NHS; Professional Roles and Responsibilities.
  • Diagnosis; a negative or positive tool?
  • Treatment and Drugs and their effect.
  • Other Mental Health Organisations and their role.

Experiencing a Mental Disorder

  • What does it feel like to have a mental disorder?
  • What does it feel like to work with a client with a mental disorder?



£ 105.00


£50 for existing LC&CTA students.

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