What they say

We are delighted that many of our previous students have taken the trouble to write about their experiences at LC&CTA and hope this random sample of 10 accounts will be helpful to prospective students.


Lorraine Marie Forrest

HPD Class of 2012

Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes, I have embarked on a new life and will never be the same again! Over the past four years as a student at LC&CTA I have learnt so much about myself and other people. The change in how I perceive myself and relate with other people has been noted by colleagues, friends and family. I am far more self-aware now, with healthier self-esteem, personal boundaries and a stronger internal locus of evaluation. It wasn’t easy though; some self-revelations were very painful. Although committed to qualifying as a person-centred counsellor, I was primarily focused on my personal growth and found that the experiential learning at LC&CTA in research and community groups was invaluable!

Jacqui Neil 2009

Qualified 2009

I’m coming to the end of my studies vastly different from how I begun. I’ve acquired skills and knowledge which have equipped me for being a good (moving towards excellent) counsellor. I say this whilst being aware that there is still a lot for me to learn in terms of the profession and learning about myself. Studying at LC&CTA has been a rollercoaster ride for my emotions and for me as a person. I have been stretched in ways that I could not have imagined and parts of the journey have been hard, challenging and painful. However the things I have achieved from each experience resulted in euphoria, I do not regret, in fact I am grateful that I decided to study here. The tutors have been a very important part of the whole process. Both Juanita and Chris and their team have facilitated my learning in both practical and personal ways; supporting me when I’ve needed it and not allowing me to get away with the things that in the longer term would hinder my professional and personal development. When I started studying it might as well have been French the tutors were speaking; I did not understand a thing and never thought I would. I did not believe that I could actually counsel a cat, let alone another person in need. Now everything makes sense, I’ve learnt a new language and I am counselling effectively with positive results for my clients.

Cemaliye Deran

I would describe my training at LC&CTA’s simply; ‘it was life changing’ and a journey I will never forget. The experience was extremely challenging at times, as any real personal growth entails, but it gave me profound insight into the potentials life has to offer me. The benefits I now reap are ones of personal maturity, freedom, and professional competency.

Winsome Pryce

HPD in Counselling Student

I didn't quite know what I was letting myself in for when I decided to study again and become a mature student at LC&CTA, I was fearful and lacked confidence. I soon learned that my fears were something of the past and my Course Tutors were helping me to develop my confidence. I have had to work hard at putting in what I want to get out of the Course and this has definitely not been an easy thing for me to do, in fact, quite difficult at times. LC&CTA have always encouraged me to do more than I thought I was capable of in both my personal and professional life and supported me in times of difficulty.

Lyla Smith-Abbas 2009

Qualified 2009

I was introduced to person centred theory by a work college who was undertaking LC&CTA’s HPD course, he swore it would change my perspective on life … and it has. I didn’t know what I was letting myself in for! It has NOT been easy to explore who I am - and why I am the way that I am; facing myself and exposing myself to others (metaphorically speaking!) has been hard. I have definitely been challenged and my growth has exceeded my expectations; I have grown much closer to understanding, knowing and really loving myself. The support of the LC&CTA Tutor Team has been invaluable - I have felt fully held throughout this course and felt safe knowing there was always someone willing to listen when things got tough. I have experienced a roller coaster of emotions I’ve laughed, cried, felt alone, felt love and expressed great anger! However, this has helped me develop an inner strength and gain an awareness of myself that I didn’t have before. I’ve also had the great privilege of working with a group of amazing peers who have made my journey incredibly special and unforgettable.

Angela Sweeney 2008

HPD in Counselling, Qualified 2008

What is it like to be trained by LC&CTA? In a nutshell, it is CHALLENGING! From day one I have been challenged to examine myself - to unpeel layer upon layer to reveal who I am, to shed labels, to shed prejudices, to look at myself and others differently. There is no place to hide at LC&CTA! For me this has been an extremely challenging process of becoming and a real journey toward self-acceptance. LC&CTA tutors are truly committed to turning out counsellors who reflect the diversity of the world in which we live. This is a huge strength and I am immensely grateful for my group - a wonderful bunch of colleagues from all walks of life who challenge and support me week to week.

Carol Gordon

As a former student of LC&CTA I have found that the material provided i.e. tutorial information, guidance and support quite dynamic, structured, informative and concise. It has enabled me to recognise and understand in terms of theory and skills the importance of re-evaluating my beliefs, values, morality, sex, religion, race, gender, motives, barriers and my conditionings; which has facilitated me in gaining new insights of self as well as being able to work more effectively and ethically with my clients. My initial thoughts when reflecting back on my experience on the course is just how surprised I am by the depth of information and learning of the theories and concepts covered; and in being congruent, many of these issues would have never occurred to me at all in advance of the course, hence I am very grateful to have been able to grow within the diverse dynamics of LC&CTA. Thank you LC&CTA.

Martin Williams 2008

Schools Counsellor Qualified 2008

Being a student at LC&CTA has been a journey of self deliverance and empowerment. I found the course very challenging in a positive way. The guidance which is given by the tutors is excellent; if you prepared for the challenge you will have found the course uplifting.

Emma Whelan

HPD in Counselling Student

Being a student at LC&CTA is a constantly changing experience - a process, not a destination! It is challenging, tough and engaging. It is authentic and demanding. I have met incredible people; these people and being part of the HPD group has facilitated great learning for me. For me studying at LC&CTA has gone beyond all normal learning parameters - it has been life-altering; it has been, and continues to be, a privilege.

Kate Comens

HPD in Counselling Student

What an incredible journey. I have laughed, cried, marvelled, been scared and amazed. I have been held and have held. The tutors and my wonderful peers have facilitated me to explore so many facets of my life and the lives of others. This has been a very difficult, painful, emotional roller coaster, but such a rewarding experience. I have delighted in the learning theory, been challenged in the skills and academic elements, but throughout have been supported by the LC&CTA Team to stretch myself, face my doubts, grow, and move towards becoming a fully functioning person.

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