Anger Releasing Workshop

The Workshop experientially explores the various ways in which anger can be expressed and the ways in which to work most effectively with others who need to expressively release Anger.

Anger Releasing Workshop

Next date


Time commitment

10am - 4pm


1 day

Inclusive cost


Is this workshop for you?

This workshop is for individuals who want/need to express their own anger in a safe way and/or anyone employed in the ‘helping professions’ who are assisting clients to express their feelings.

Entry requirements

You will need to be at least 16 years of age or accompanied by an appropriate adult and be able to provide minimal details of your personal interest in attending the Workshop if you are not a qualified professional or ‘helping professions’ student.


The Workshop has two main strands/themes:

  • Experientially expressing anger safely
  • Experientially facilitate others in expressing their anger safely

This aspect of the Workshop will enhance your ability to:

  • Understand anger and its safe expression
  • The effect repressed anger has on an individual
  • The correlation between abuse and repressed anger

The Workshop provides the unique opportunity to:

  • Release anger
  • Help other release anger
  • Take into consideration cultural restraints on expressing anger


£ 95.00


£80 for existing LC&CTA students.

We welcome all enquiries

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